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hi casper i download a alisa game and very good :) but this game have a little miss problem this game for in,t originaly if you make a next version please put it in for asila hp down like 25 and try running or rushing need in a same slow injured rushing like a resident evil in :) this hereby returned this game originaly ;) and lok away for i write my english not a best and ty forward my question :) )

(1 edit) (+1)

Love the art style


very authentic to the C64 era, yes

Thanks! well it is a true C64 game after all : )


yes, I couldn't stop myself from typing

20 GOTO 10
RUN 10

I mostly skip the "HELLO WORLD" part XD


Pretty fun, also the first Commodore64 game I've ever played.

It is incredibly hard but that is to be expected of this generation of games.

Either you git gud or die quick.


oh I didn't know it was hard XD
I felt like it was boring easy. So I had to balance it all to make it a bit of a challenge XD
But no one play tested it : D

Deleted 3 years ago
